An Intellectual History of
Judaism and Christianity

HILR Fall 2015

SGL: B Ruml

9. How Jesus Became God (2)

What's the best description of the historical Jesus prior to the Passion?

Jesus was a Jew who preached to other Jews about how to be good Jews so as to enter the coming Kingdom of God.

What's the main difference between Judaism and Christianity?

cosmic monism v. cosmic dualism

What's cosmic monism?

Yahweh is the only God and there are no other forces at work in the world. Everything that happens happens because it is Yahweh's will.

What's cosmic dualism?

There is a second cosmic force which is antagonistic to the force of good (Yahweh).

What's apocalypticism?

A second cosmic force antagonistic to the force of good (Yahweh) is temporarily in control of this world but will soon be conquered permanently bringing a new way of living on earth.

Christianity did not succeed because of Jesus' message. Why then?

Because Jesus' disciples, as the result of visionary experiences, believed he had been raised from the dead and exhalted to heaven.

Whether the resurrection occurred is outside the domain of history. Why?

History is what probably happened based on source evidence.

A resurrection is by definition a most improbable event.

That many believed that the resurrection occurred is an historical fact.

Paul's creedal statement: 1 Corinthians 3-5 (p. 139)

  • for our sins; on the third day.
  • no mention of women (cf. Matthew, John)
  • not parallel: buried [by Joseph]

Did Joseph bury Jesus?

  • Joseph was a member of the Sanhedrin, all of whom condemned Jesus.
  • Is the trial tradition separate from the burial tradition?

Was Jesus buried in an identifiable tomb?

What was the political purpose of crucifixion?

To torture and humiliate as fully as possible as an example to others.

What we can know about the resurrection:

1) Some followers believed that Jesus was raised from the dead.

Three ways of understanding a resurrection:

  1. Paul: a “spiritual body”: material but transformed to be impervious to pain, misery;
  2. Gnostics: the material body is left behind; the spirit returns to its divine source;
  3. Luke and John: not completely transformed (can be felt, can eat); to counter raising of spirit alone;

What we can know about the resurrection:

2) Belief in Jesus' resurrection was based on visionary experiences.

  • the doubt tradition: only a few had visions;
  • Visions generally: guilt; anger; comfort;
  • Disciples understanding of visions: based on apocalyptic expectations: a bodily resurrection;

What we can know about the resurrection:

3) Disciples reevaluated Jesus as exhalted to heaven.

  • unlike other raisings, Jesus was no longer still living with them, destined to die;
  • he had been exhalted to the right hand of God;
  • Luke's ascension after 40 days: emphasized bodily nature of the resurrection (not just spirit);

Reimagining the meaning of “messiah”:

  • Jewish apocalyptic view
  • during Jesus' life
  • after his resurrection

Compare Paul: he died for the sins of others.

Preliterary hymns and creeds:

  • Romans 1:3-4: Davidic messiah + Son of God at resurrection;
  • Acts 13:32-33: “today I have begotten you”

Exhaltation Christology

Role of adopted son in Roman elite society

The Backwards Movement of Christology

Many divergent views right from the beginning.

See you next week!