An Intellectual History of
Judaism and Christianity

HILR Fall 2015

SGL: B Ruml

6. Jewish Apocalypticism


  • In the context of ancient man, what is evil?
  • In the context of polytheism, what causes evil?
  • In the context of monolatry, what causes evil?


  • What might have encouraged the shift from monolatry to monotheism?
  • Why should we prefer the term “cosmic monism”?
  • In the context of monotheism, what causes evil?


  • In the context of the second century BCE, what alternative metaphysics was available?
  • What's the likely origin of cosmic dualism?

What's the main difference between Judaism and Christianity?

Jewish sects: Pharisees (~6000)

  • “strict Torah observance”
  • resolving ambiguities in the written law
  • the “oral law” traditions: the Mishnah (200 CE)
  • a closed society: e.g., table fellowship (hand washing)
  • a separatist “purity group”?

Jewish sects: Sadducees (~1000; in Jerusalem)

  • the Jewish aristocracy; the political power players
  • some level of cooperation with the Romans
  • focus on the Temple and cult practice
  • Torah only: no oral traditions, no angels, no resurrection

Jewish sects: Essenes (2000 max)

  • considered the Temple profaned by non-Zadokite high priest
  • focus on maintaining purity meant separation (Qumran and elsewhere)
  • end times immanent: children of light v. children of darkness (followed Teacher of Righteousness)
  • two messiahs

Jewish sects: Fourth Philosophy

  • violent resistance to Romans
  • several uprisings prior to 66 CE
  • Galileans took over Jerusalem in 66 and precipitated destruction of the Temple


  1. cosmic dualism
  2. historical pessimism
  3. ultimate vindication
  4. immanence

Daniel 7:

9As I looked on,
Thrones were set in place,
And the Ancient of Days took His seat.
His garment was like white snow,
And the hair of His head was like lamb's a wool.
His throne was tongues of flame;
Its wheels were blazing fire.
A river of fire streamed forth before Him;
Thousands upon thousands served Him;
Myriads upon myriads attended Him;
The court sat and the books were opened.

Daniel 7:

11I looked on. Then, because of the arrogant words that the horn spoke, the beast was killed as I looked on; its body was destroyed and it was consigned to the flames.

Daniel 7:

13As I looked on, in the night vision,
One like a human being [son of man]
Came with the clouds of heaven;
He reached the Ancient of Days
And was presented to Him.
14Dominion, glory, and kingship were given to him;
All peoples and nations of every language must serve him.
His dominion is an everlasting dominion that shall not pass away,
And his kingship, one that shall not be destroyed.

Daniel 7:

21(I looked on as that horn made war with the holy ones and overcame them, until the Ancient of Days came and judgment was rendered in favor of the holy ones of the Most High, for the time had come, and the holy ones took possession of the kingdom.)

Daniel 7:

25“[The king (Antiochus IV Epiphanes)] will speak words against the Most High, and will harass the holy ones of the Most High. He will think of changing times and laws, and they will be delivered into his power for a time, times, and half a time. Then the court will sit and his dominion will be taken away, to be destroyed and abolished for all time. The kingship and dominion and grandeur belonging to all the kingdoms under Heaven will be given to the people of the holy ones of the Most High. Their kingdom shall be an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey them.'”

Daniel 12:

1“At that time, the great prince, Michael, who stands beside the sons of your people, will appear. It will be a time of trouble, the like of which has never been since the nation came into being. At that time, your people will be rescued, all who are found inscribed in the book. Many of those that sleep in the dust of the earth will awake, some to eternal life, others to reproaches, to everlasting abhorrence. And the knowledgeable will be radiant like the bright expanse of sky, and those who lead the many to righteousness will be like the stars forever and ever.”

The War Scroll (Qumran):

On the day when the Kittim [Romans] fall there shall be a battle and horrible carnage before the God of Israel, for it is a day appointed by Him from ancient times as a battle of annihilation for the Sons of Darkness. . . .

Then the strength of God will strengthen the he[arts of the Sons of Light.] In the seventh lot the great hand of God shall overcome [Belial and al]1 the angels of his dominion, and all the men of [his forces shall be destroyed forever].

4 Ezra 13:

As I kept looking the wind made something like the figure of a man come up out of the heart of the sea. And I saw that this man flew with the clouds of heaven; and wherever he turned his face to look, everything under his gaze trembled, and whenever his voice issued from his mouth, all who heard his voice melted as wax melts when it feels the fire.

I saw only how he sent forth from his mouth something like a stream of fire, and from his lips a flaming breath, and from his tongue he shot forth a storm of sparks. . . . and burned up all of them.

4 Ezra 13:

As I kept looking the wind made something like the figure of a man come up out of the heart of the sea. And I saw that this man flew with the clouds of heaven; and wherever he turned his face to look, everything under his gaze trembled, and whenever his voice issued from his mouth, all who heard his voice melted as wax melts when it feels the fire.

[T]hey understand the things that are reserved for the last days . . .; this is he whom the Most High has been keeping for many ages, who will himself deliver his creation;

4 Ezra 13:

Then he, my Son, will reprove the assembled nations for their ungodliness . . . and will destroy them without effort.

[N]o one on earth can see my Son . . . except in the time of his day.

[B]ecause you have forsaken your own ways and have applied yourself to mine, and have searched out my law . . . there is a reward laid up with the Most High.

Was Jesus interested in “social justice”?

Would he have supported a proposal for progressive taxation?

See you next week!